Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Clinical advisor ferri 2007.

Aspiration pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs and bronchial tubes due to inhalation of foreign material. Causes, incidence and risk factors

Aspiration pneumonia caused by inhalation of foreign material (usually food, liquids or discharge from the mouth) in the lungs. This can lead to inflammatory reactions, infections of lungs (

), or accumulation of pus in the lungs (lung abscess). foreign material (often stomach content) in the lungs can occur with disorders that affect normal swallowing or disorders of the esophagus (,

nctc bacteria

). It can also be caused by decreased or absent gag reflex in people who are not warning (conscious or semi-conscious). Old age, dental problems, sedatives, anesthesia, and excessive alcohol consumption can cause this problem. The more acidic the material breathed into the lungs, lung damage more severe - although this may not necessarily lead to pneumonia. Physical examination may reveal crackling in the lungs. Some people may need hospitalization. Treatment varies depending on the severity. Antibiotics, which treat organisms in the environment can be provided. Patients may receive special antibiotics to treat organisms that live in the mouth. Types of organisms present depends on the patient's health and location (private residence or chronic-care patients, for example). Patients may need to have their swallowing function assessment. If they have trouble swallowing, patients may have to use other methods of feeding. The result depends on the severity of pneumonia, the body type and degree of participation of the lungs. If acute respiratory failure develops, the patient can be prolonged illness or death. Call your doctor, go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number (such as 911) if you have shortness of breath, wheezing, chills, fever, chest pain. Goldman L, Ausiello D. Cecil textbook of medicine. Twenty-second edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003. Ferri FF. Clinical Advisor Ferri 2007. 1st strattera dosage ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby, 2006. .

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