Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It is not usual to take antibiotic tablets...

pneumonia chlamydia

Will acne return after treatment? Once the spots are cleared, acne commonly flares up again if you stop treatment. Thus, after the spots have gone or greatly reduced, the overall extend the treatment of "care" to prevent acne from broke again. It is common to need maintenance therapy for 4-5 years to keep acne away. This is usually the end of teenagers or early 20's. In a small number of cases, acne persists into the 30s or even later. For these people can continue to treat the skin to keep it under control. Maintenance therapy is usually the local treatment - either benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids. They can be used indefinitely. The dose to prevent spots from returning is often lower than those used to treat acne. For example, application to the skin every day with a low strength preparation may be enough to stains from returning. It is not usual to take antibiotic tablets (or use local antibiotics) for maintenance therapy after stains are removed. This is because prolonged use of antibiotics can lead to resistance of germs to antibiotics. So if you initially treated with antibiotics, it may be advisable to switch to benzoyl peroxide strattera dosage or topical retinoids for maintenance therapy. .

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